Arbaeen 2023: Mumbai Muslims Honor Imam Hussein's Sacrifice

20:07 - September 08, 2023
News ID: 3485084
NEW DELHI (IQNA) – Thousands of Muslims in Mumbai, India, joined the Arbaeen procession to pay tribute to Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions, despite rainy weather.


The event, known as "Juloos E Arbaeen", was organized on Thursday by the Hussaini Federation in Mumbai, and started at Masjid E Iranian and ended at Rehmatabad Iranian Qabristan. The devotees walked in the procession, chanting slogans and carrying banners and flags in honor of Imam Hussein (AS) and his cause.

The procession was accompanied by a group of Ulemas, who gave speeches on the significance of Imam Hussein's sacrifice and the importance of following his principles of justice and righteousness.

The volunteers also provided water and snacks to the participants to keep them refreshed during the long walk.

The procession was a symbol of communal harmony and unity, as people from different communities and backgrounds participated in it, all united by their love and respect for Imam Hussein.



Every year, millions of people travel to Iraq to take part in the Arbaeen procession where people walk dozens of kilometers to reach the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (AS) in Karbala.

Meanwhile, those who cannot make the pilgrimage mark the event in their cities.

